
Going to Abomey museum without visiting private palaces of the fierce kings of this emblematic city of Danxome is as if you make an unfinished discovery of the greatness of the history of Danxome kingdom.

Large areas surrounded by high walls were impressive harems of kings who could have up to 3,000 wives… It’s beyond all understanding! Isn’t it?

And speaking of women, the Amazons of Dahomey, these female warriors of exceptional strength of their own are also immortalized on the bas-reliefs that decorate the private palaces in ruins…

Moreover most of Abomey women are princesses and this can be noticed through the way they dress and what impresses the most is their fatness. It’s a pride for Abomey women to be very fat just because it’s the proof that they are well fed by their husband and it’s a shame and an incapability to meet their wives’ needs for the man whose spouses are slender…

And with a bit of chance you can witness a procession of voodoo followers perfoming rituals or dancing in front of voodoo shrines and that’s something worth witnessing.

To better understand the former Danhomey republic and the

present Benin republic, it’s imperial for tourists to go to that city which is called the Historical capital of Benin. Indeed, the whole historical background of Benin has its cradle in that city.

Cradle of Voodoo, temples and shrines here and there in this town of Abomey, enlighten you on that religion which still gives rise to questioning.